- 支付16877太阳集团有限公司制作公司在新墨西哥州的所有债务
- 在完成主要摄影工作时,在该科的网站张贴公告,说明:
- 包含生产公司信息, including the name of the production and contact information that includes a working phone number and email address for both the local production office and the permanent production office to notify the public of the need to file creditor claims against the film production company; and
- 在16877太阳集团有限公司制作公司在国家承担的所有财务义务支付完毕之前,仍在网站上发布;
- 如果债权人未提出申请,未偿债务不被免除;
- to delay filing of a claim for the new film production tax credit until the division delivers written notification to the taxation and revenue department that the film production company has fulfilled all requirements for the credit; 7-2F-13(I)